Amniotic membranes in ophthalmology: long term data on transplantation outcomes

Paolin, A., Cogliati, E., Trojan, D. et al. Amniotic membranes in ophthalmology: long term data on transplantation outcomes. Cell Tissue Bank 17, 51–58 (2016).

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Amniotic membrane in ophthalmology: properties, preparation, storage and indications for grafting—a review

Jirsova, K., Jones, G.L.A. Amniotic membrane in ophthalmology: properties, preparation, storage and indications for grafting—a review. Cell Tissue Bank 18, 193–204 (2017).

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Human amniotic membrane transplantation: different modalities of its use in ophthalmology

C. Malhotra and A. K. Jain, “Human amniotic membrane transplantation: different modalities of its use in ophthalmology,” World Journal of Transplantation, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 111–121, 2014.

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